Tagged: NASA

29- Engage a great mentor for career success

Having a relationship with a great mentor is important to your career success. Famous astronaut Buzz Aldrin completed his Ph.D. at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His thesis, “Line-of-Sight Techniques for Manned Orbital Rendezvous,” lists four reviewers. Although it is not clear that one of them was a true mentor to him, certainly, they contributed to his completing the work that would later be used as part of NASA’s space exploration program, and it is likely...

28- Never lose sight of your goals

Never lose sight of your goals A lesson from Buzz Aldrin Did you know that the first time Buzz Aldrin applied to be an astronaut he was rejected? His application boasted such achievements as a B.S. in Military Engineering from Westpoint, a Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a distinguished career as a fighter pilot during the Korean Conflict. With these great achievements, he was not accepted into the program because he hadn’t been...