Tagged: email


18- Email productivity: 4 tips for managing your inbox

Do you find it difficult to manage you email? Throughout my childhood, I was fortunate enough to travel with my parents to various places where I met other kids my own age. As a classic “Type A,” I wanted to keep in touch with these new friends and hear about their lives, schooling, and hobbies. Unfortunately, the internet was not yet available to the average American household and long distance telephone rates were as high...


9- Stop sending sloppy emails.

As a young professional, you’ve probably already clicked the send button on thousands of emails. Sending email is an important communication tool in the professional world, it is important to shed bad habits and use it effectively. Similar to any other activity, you need to continuously upgrade and practice to perform at a higher level. The first step in mastering email is to knowing when to send one and the second is knowing how to...